Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Family can be the most frustrating at times!  Just when you think they get it, they throw you a curve ball and you realize how much they really haven't listened to a word you have said!  Sometimes I just wish things could be different and I could turn that "Aha" light on!

As I struggle to maintain some type of normalcy in my life, I am clinging to the thought of, "things will settle down soon!"  It never seems to come though.  I keep thinking it's right around the corner.  But I am so exhausted, I am falling further, and further behind.  My house is a mess.  Cluttered is the word.  The floors are clean, but the table is full of "stuff", the counters are full of "stuff", my dresser is full of "stuff", and I look at it and become so overwhelmed that I can't seem to get anything done.  I try and start, and it seems to move from one area to another because I don't know where or what to do with it.

Now that my grandson is here, there is more stuff to deal with on a daily basis, and I am just tired.  We have a schedule now which helps, but it doesn't leave time for the rest of the "stuff" cause I am just to exhausted to deal with it.  Plus I am feeling the pressure of needing to do more by my husband to relieve his stress, which is creating even more stress for me, which is overwhelming me more!  I can't say anything, cause I am afraid he will be upset, and then that will just cause more stress too!

I am feeling trapped right now, and overwhelmed with my "stuff".  I have just taken and thrown stuff without even looking to see what it is when I was angry!  I have had a few outbursts like that...which I don't like myself when I do.  But I am at that point of exploding or imploding.  Neither one is good or healthy.

I wish I could get someone to just come and help me.  But I have no idea who could.  Everyone is busy with their own lives and have their own worries and burdens and I am not one to impose.  So I am stuck. 

Well maybe today I can tackle some of this "STUFF"! I am tired of looking at it.  I am exhausted just thinking about it.  But I am going to try to get the table done.  It needs to get done!  It has to!

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