Saturday, November 13, 2010


I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland!  If I could only enjoy it.  I hate the fact that winter is upon me.  This appears to be the worst time for me.  Someone just opening up the door, and a breeze coming in, goes right to my bones!

Why is it in the winter, everyone seems to be in such a hurry?  Driving 80 on the freeway is not going to get you anywhere faster except into an accident.  And hopefully your not going to hurt someone else!  I find it frustrating.  I don't drive when it snows.  I have a hard enough time seeing in perfect weather, I sure am not going to risk my life out there when I can't see anything.

I have been very busy lately.  Mostly in my head thinking of how to move forward with a support group.  I am still thinking on logos, and because I want everything perfect, I am kind of stuck.   I do realize that it is not the logo that is important, it is the group itself.  I just need to start, and the logo will come.  I am still trying to figure out where the meetings should be.  Probably in my home until I get people to attend then move out into a place that is reasonable for all in the group.  As you can see, I am talking to myself as I am typing.  I tend to do this a lot!  It helps me though.

Last evening I went to a play called "Nickel and Dimed".  It was so good.  And so true about working class families.  the poor staying poor, and why.  It hit me right in the heart!  People and situations in life can keep people poor.  It's not laziness or general unwillingness.  They seem to have more survivor instincts then most human beings.  I've been there living in a vehicle with a baby!  The struggles I went through finding a place to call home, waiting on a list to get a home.  I remember those days always, As to never forget where I was, and where I am now.  I think that is an important character in people.

I realize I am all over the place today.  I can't help it.  I can't concentrate at all.  So for now I am done.  Maybe i can get it together later.

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