Monday, January 31, 2011

Reclaiming my Life

So I am working with my issues of stress.  I am doing ok.  I have not lost my mind although I could have overreacted a couple of times, but I didn't!  Cuddles for me!  I have chosen to breathe and let it in, sit on it for a minute before reacting.  And it worked.  I was able to remain calm, and let the rest just roll off my shoulders.  I am proud of myself!

So with the last couple days being much calmer for me, didn't give me any less pain.  I have felt like my bones are sitting on each other and scrapping every time I move.  So yes, even though I had to give in to the pain meds, I am still hoping to use them less.  My doctor says he is amazed at how little I actually use them considering everything going on with my body.  He also tells me I wait too long before taking them and I am not getting enough relief because of it.  Makes sense i guess.  I just hate the fact that I have to take them to begin with so I wait until the pain is unbearable.  I guess I wouldn't advise that to others and I should take his advise.

I used to get massages which really did help, but the gal I was seeing, is not doing them anymore.  And I really liked how she did them.  So I haven't gone to see anyone else.  I could probably give her a call and she would come to the house, but I can't really afford it right now.  Aghh so is life, it goes on.

I have been busying myself with looking at resources to start a chronic pain support group in my area.  I always think too big though and I need to back myself up.  I was thinking of doing it for anyone with chronic pain, but then started thinking, I don't know enough about other conditions yet so maybe I should just start with FM and CFS.  Baby steps is what I need to remember so I don't overwhelm myself.  Which is where I had been for months with this idea.  Once I start, then maybe introducing other illnesses as it goes and there is a need for it.  It has helped so much to talk to people on line, reading comments from others and just knowing I have support of my friends with FM and CFS.  I appreciate all of them!

I am also so glad I decided to start blogging.  I used to journal all the time and kind of just stopped.  I didn't realize how healthy for the soul it really is.  I hope that anyone else out there that reads this will consider starting a journal.  Just to get out whatever is inside helps so much!  It can relieve tension in your body.  At least it does for me.  Everyone needs to try and find that one outlet that helps them, and this one is mine!

I hope you continue to take this journey with me, and remember, "I Will Survive!"

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